
The Faces Of is dedicated to the publishing of untold stories so that their faces may not be forgotten.

We aim to engage our audience and drive meaningful discussions about the issues we present. Our mission is to inform, inspire and ignite conversations through the power of visual storytelling. We believe that the mere faces of humanity are capable of conveying the complexities of social struggles, as we aim to provide a platform that encapsulates these moments.

  1. Impactful Narratives: Through the art of photo journalism, we relay individual narratives by capturing the world’s stories through our lens. Images, along with the story behind the image, have the power to bridge unknown gaps and create deeper connections amongst ourselves.

  2. Uncompromising Truth: We are committed to presenting the world as it is, no matter how harsh or beautiful. Our photography and writing seek to capture the raw essence of every story they tell.

  3. Global Perspectives: The stories we tell span from remote villages to bustling metropolises. We believe in representing diverse cultures, perspectives and experiences.

  4. Cultural Exposure: The Faces Of operates with a core belief that our platform can be a bridge between cultures, helping to create a more informed and interconnected world. It allows people to glimpse the beauty, the challenges, and the shared humanity that exists in all cultures. By promoting cultural understanding through our writing and photography, we take steps toward a world where differences are better understood and where global citizens are inspired to address challenges with not just compassion but cooperation. We are not just a medium for documenting the world; but hope for building cultural bridges and fostering understanding among people of different backgrounds.

Our approach

The faces of

our platform operates not for ourselves but for the people. we exist to carry the voice of those who are voiceless. to bring awareness to communities that might otherwise remain hidden.


  • Collection 01: Türkiye

    All funds go directly and personally to those affected by the earthquake.

    Donate Here

  • Collection 01: Hatay, Türkiye each individual has been affected by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake which took place February 2023.

    All of those photographed have consented to their story being shared publicly.

  • While generating the publishing of stories for collection 01 we also aim to expand our work for a second collection produced from another location.

    Collection 02 coming soon: Ukraine

Join us on a visual journey that explores global communities, societal challenges and the world's humanity. We invite you to engage with the stories we tell, share them, and become a part of the conversation that our photos are meant to inspire. our priority is for untold stories to not be forgotten in the sea that is the human experience.

Thank you for visiting our photo journalism website. To stay up to date sign up with your email below. We hope you find empathy, understanding, and a deeper connection to the world through the power of visual storytelling.